Frequently Asked Questions


Is Renting or Buying Better?

Choosing between renting and buying depends on the type of lifestyle you seek.

Investing in a property is a strategic move aimed at securing returns in the near future. Ownership in Belize involves holding a legal title in your name, under a company, or through a trustee.

On the other hand, renting can prove cost-effective in the long run, particularly if you prefer avoiding the responsibilities of property maintenance. It provides a means to save money for your future, aligning with your specific long-term goals.

Can I Ask You for Advice?

For the most reliable guidance, it is recommended to consult with your local representative. Seeking their advice can furnish you with essential information and guide you through the process of your rental or real estate transaction.

Why choose a rental agent?
A rental agent serves the purpose of providing guidance on understanding market dynamics, what factors to consider, and what expectations to have. Opting to collaborate with a rental agent also affords you the convenience of not having to navigate the entire process from initiation to completion.
What kinds of lifestyles are available?

When it comes to rentals, lifestyle is paramount. The Zeke Rental Agency is dedicated to discovering the ideal living situation for you, whether it’s waterfront, inland, in the city, a village, or any other preference our clients may have. These diverse lifestyles are tailored to fit within budget constraints, and our rental agency goes the extra mile to secure the perfect rental for you.


Am I Ready to Be a Homeowner?

Purchasing a home can pose challenges, and the question often arises: Am I prepared to become a homeowner? However, there are numerous advantages to buying in Belize. From low property taxes and the absence of capital gains tax to the convenience of opening a bank account with a hard copy of the title, the benefits are substantial. Moreover, property values in Belize are on the rise due to the limited availability of land in various regions of the country. Owner financing may also present itself as an option for potential buyers. These are just a few compelling reasons why you should consider becoming a homeowner.

What Should I Expect at Closing?

The closing process revolves around maintaining transparency with our clients. Typically, the average time for closing is slightly over or within 30 days, provided there are no discrepancies in the sale process. Closing is an exceptionally smooth procedure. After the due diligence is returned following the signing of the purchase agreement (usually within about 2 weeks), transfer papers are drafted once both parties have mutually agreed to proceed. The signing of the transfer papers, along with the payment of stamp duty (the government tax), follows. Subsequently, the transfer documents are filed, marking the completion of the property closing.

What Is the Lender's Formula? Changed to What is Owner financing?

This method gains popularity for its simplicity, especially when the seller agrees to offer financing for the property sale. In this straightforward process, the seller essentially acts as a bank, granting the buyer the privilege to acquire the property. A typical owner-financing arrangement may involve a 50%–60% down payment, a payment plan spanning 3-5 years, or an interest rate of 5% or 6%, often with both parties consenting to a balloon payment. The transaction follows a standard closing procedure, usually completed within 30 days, and subsequently transitions into the ongoing term with monthly payments as part of the owner financing agreement.

Which real estate agent should I choose in Belize?

Considering Zeke’s status as a Belizean realtor, his firsthand experience witnessing the evolution of his country equips him with a profound understanding of investment dynamics, the intricacies of Belize, associated challenges, and the nuances of real estate processes. Zeke is known for his reliability, honesty, and commitment to ethical practices. As a budding entrepreneur, he is dedicated to ensuring that every decision made is in your best interest.

Together, let's discover the home you truly deserve

Zeke Rental Agency – Your One Stop Shop.

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